Training Stats from 17/02/2014

  • Training Statistics since the 17th of February 2014 (16 weeks from race day) to race day:
  • 20140607 [Swimming 23h:03m/70.1km | Cycling 72h:07m/1969.69km | Running 23h:20m/284.87km | Gym 11h:30m]
  • As at 20140607 [Total: 130:33:19 h:m:s/2331.69km] (Based on Garmin Reporting)

Monday, 19 May 2014

More DIY, My Support Team, Taper Week 1!

More DIY

During the long hours of training I think about nothing other than the task. The average speed/pace, cadence, heart rate, the next corner, the next hill.
If I do think of anything other than what is happening right at that moment, it usually doesn't commit to long term memory.
Getting ready to transport the bike by aircraft to Cairns is one of those things I think of while swimming, riding or running that I have kept forgetting to address.

I have a bike box which has sections where you fix the rims to the inside cover.
Normal skewers are either too long or too short. I also realised that I need to ensure the forks and rear stays are not bent or broken in the journey so I decided to make some fixings of my own.

I headed down to the local hardware supplier and bought some bubble wrap, nuts, washers, lock-tite, two threaded rods - 3/16th and 5/16th at 24 inches long.

The race wheels are now bolted to the inside of the bike box, ready for the trip. I won't use the wheels for training before Ironman. All I have to do now is let the air out of the tires and finish bubble wrapping them for the flight.
I'll take the time trial bars off the bike too. This will allow me to put on some new bar tape. Over the next week, in between rides, I'll try and get the Cervélo in the box. That will mean rolling the handlebars forward around the top tube to reduce the width of the bike when packed.
I am now wishing I had a spare wheel for the old Giant to ride and spin on so I could pack the Cervélo early and resolve issues that I haven't yet thought of!

I have to figure out how the rest of the stuff will go in too such as the track pump, helmet, shoes, pedals and wetsuit.

My Support Team

I would like to make a very special mention to my very own support team...
My wife - Michelle. She has been so tolerant of all the time I have had to spend in the garage or away training for the Ironman. She has sacrificed her training schedule so I can concentrate on mine. She has kept the house running and helps to keep me focused.
I can't wait till the 9th of June when this is all over and I don't have the thoughts in the background of what training do I need to do that day and how is the intensity going to affect the following day's training sessions.
I really enjoy the constant planning and training a majority of the time but I just want to stop feeling like I am visiting when I have a day off. I miss my family...
My kids - Aishlyn and Liam. Aishlyn often sneaks into our bed in the middle of the night. In the morning she finds it strange that I am sometimes still there in the morning of a weekend. It is lovely seeing the kids' big smiles when I wake up and tell them I am not training that day or until later.
Mum and Dad Watson - I/we are so lucky to have such lovely supportive parents like Michelle's mum and dad. They are truly amazing people. There is no way we would have got through the journey to Ironman  Cairns without the help they have given us. I am so greatful.


With the race three weeks away, I have started the first week of tapering. Yay!
I have recently read articles on the subject and learnt that the whole purpose of tapering is to reduce the chances or recover from possible over training injuries (a-hemm... my knees...) while maintaining consistency by not going any more than 48 or so hours between training for each discipline.
This ensures the neurological connections required to perform each discipline are maintained from the brain to the muscles.
How appropriate this concept is when you think about it in the context of my friend Sharn who suffers from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), an aggressive form of Motor Neurone Disease (MND). By merely training for the Ironman, she is helping to fit this awful disease.
I might be blogging/talking and training like I am trying to qualify for Kona but in reality this Ironman will be all about supporting Sharn in fulfilling her dream of completing a full Ironman 140.6 race. I cannot physically help her but I will be one of many in Cairns to give her and Craig moral support. I talk a bit more about this in a previous post.
For more information on Sharn, her story, Ironman journey and how you can help please visit the  Shining4Sharn website:

Training this week:
So this is the plan for this week...
Monday: 2hrs spin - tempo
Tuesday: Rest. Knees are still tender...
Wednesday: Morning 2km swim, Evening easy half hour run
Thursday: Morning 1hr moderate run
Friday: Morning 2km Swim, Evening: moderate spin
Saturday: Brick Session - Local bunch ride 65km, 15km easy run.
Sunday: Rest day (Maybe an openwater swim during the day).

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